Local 4045 Benevolence Fund Pickleball Tournament Pickleball tournament, hosted by Local 4045 and the Red and Blue Foundation, Jan. 24, 2025 @ the Post Falls PEAK Fitness
PFFI Convention 2024 Local 4045 members attending the Idaho State Capitol in Boise.
Hands-Only CPR 2018 Brother Eric Foti teaching high school sophomores Hands-Only CPR and AED awareness.
Seattle Stairclimb 2018 Local 4045 Brothers participated in this fundraiser for the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society.
CDA School Pantries Fundraiser Local 4045 members, past and current, with Starbucks crew fundraising for area schools.
Honor Guard ~ Rathdrum Days Parade Presenting the National and State colors at Rathdrum Days 2017.
MDA Summer Camp 2017 Brother Michael enjoying time with the campers at the annual MDA Summer Camp in our area.
Pancake Benevolence Fund Breakfast 2017 Local 4045 Brothers serving our wonderful constituents at our annual fundraiser.
Winter Structure Fire 2017 Green Shift Brothers working hard, no matter what the weather does.
First Day of School 2016 Brother Avilla and Brother Kramer working to keep the kids safe on their walk to school.
Hayden Meadows Field Day 2015 Sister Tams spending time with the kids at the local schools.
Cape Horn Fire July 2015 WUI Fire in Bayview, ID
MDA Fill the Boot 2015 Brother Lyon at Fill the Boot in Hayden, ID 2015
KCEMSS Paramedic of the Year 2015 Brother Usher recognized as Paramedic of the Year 2015
Forcible Entry Training Props Recognition Brother Avilla and Other 4045 Members w/ Community Partners
CPR Save Personal Thank You Brother Maines got a personal thank you for his work in saving his life.
Good Morning Brothers and Sisters!
The timely resolutions for PFFI Convention 2025 have been uploaded to the Union website. They're located under the "downloads" tab on the left-hand menu screen, in a folder titled "PFFI 2025 Timely Resolutions." I will be adding them as a New Business agenda item for the February Regular Union Meeting, 2/18/2025.
Good Morning Brothers and Sisters!
Tomorrow, October 15, 2024, will be the date for our next regular meeting, which will also include the elections for Local President, Local Secretary and Local Treasurer. Elections will be conducted commensurate with IAFF Local 4045 Constitution/By-Laws Article 5, Sec's. 6, 7 & 8.
Good Morning Brothers and Sisters!
The October Regular Meeting, on 10/15/2024 @ 0930 in the conference room of Station 1, will be the date when the elections for the following positions will occur:
1.) Local President
2.) Local Secretary
3.) Local Treasurer
This announcement is commensurate with Local 4045 C&B Art. 4, Sect. 1: Time and Place and Art. 6, Sect.
Good Evening Brothers and Sisters!
Sorry for the late notice but our regular meeting for the month of August will be tomorrow, 08/20/2024, @ 0930 in the conference room of Station 1. The meeting agenda has been added to the Union website. If there is anything last minute that needs to be added prior to the meeting, please contact President Pitts and he will get it added.
Good Morning Everyone,
The memorial service for former Kootenai Health Emergency Room physician, Dr. Mark Manteuffel, will be held at the Hagadone Event Center, located at 984 S Floating Green Dr, in Coeur d'Alene, on July 16th at 1830 hours. District Administration has authorized Class-A attire for this event. Dr.
Good Morning Brothers and Sisters!
Pursuant to IAFF Local 4045 Constitution and By-Laws, Article 4, Section 2, the E-Board has elected to hold Special Meetings every two weeks, starting Thursday, July 11th, until the conclusion of the November election. Meeting notices will be posted prior to the meeting and commensurate to C&B Article 4, Sec.
Passing of IAFF Eastern Region Trustee Mark Ouellette 02/12/25 - UPFFA
It is with great sadness that we share the passing of IAFF Eastern Region Trustee Mark Ouellette after a brave battle with cancer. Mark’s dedication to the fire service, his union, and his family was unwavering. Please keep the Ouellette family in your thoughts and prayers.
May 30, 2025: The 2025 Annual UPFFA Golf Tournament 02/12/25 - UPFFA
The 2025 Annual
UPFFA Golf Tournament
Friday, May 30, 2025
Laurel View Country Club
Hamden, Ct.
The Tournament Website can be found at:
2025 Golf Tournament Packet (Final).pdf
2025 UPFFA Golf Tournament Cover Letter (final).
St. John's Local 4784 Gun Raffle 02/12/25 - PFFA
Please see the following message from St. John Local 4784:
Good morning Doug, is there any way you could push out this flyer for a gun raffle our union is doing? The primary point of contact for tickets will be Caleb Kihnel Cell number 1 (601) 551-7912 but they can get in touch with any member and they'll be able to assist them with ticket purchases.
Autism Awareness Shirts 02/11/25 - IAFF 1826
Click on Autism Awareness Shirts above to order
Montgomery Twp 2025-2028 CBA 02/10/25 - PPFFA
The 2025-2028 CBA for Montgomery Twp. IAFF L4890 has been posted to the contract area of the website. A login is needed to view.
February Meeting Notice 02/10/25 - Northern Ohio Fire Fighters
Reminder: The quarterly union meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 26, 2025 @ 7:00 PM.
Union Meeting - Saturday 8th February 2025 02/07/25 - IAFF Local S-6
Local S-6 Membership,
Please note there is a union meeting tomorrow, Saturday 8th February 2025, training room at Fire Station One @ 0745 sharp. C-Shift will be going off duty and A-Shift will be coming on duty. It's YOUR union... be involved!!!
Next month's union meeting... Saturday 8th March 2025. A-Shift will be going off duty and C-Shift will be coming on duty.
Firefighters First Tax Services 02/07/25 - Memphis Fire Fighters Association
(2025-02-07) Tax season is here, and our friends at Firefighters First Tax Services have the tools to help you get ahead.
Firefighters First Tax Services is the tax arm of Firefighters First Credit Union, specializing in tax preparation and planning for firefighters and their families.
HELPS ACT for Retirees 02/07/25 - Memphis Fire Fighters Association
(2025-02-07) We wanted to take a moment to remind you about the Healthcare Enhancement for Local Public Safety Retirees Act, better known as the HELPS ACT.
PFFI Timely Resolutions 02/04/25 - IAFF Local 4045
Good Morning Brothers and Sisters!
The timely resolutions for PFFI Convention 2025 have been uploaded to the Union website. They're located under the "downloads" tab on the left-hand menu screen, in a folder titled "PFFI 2025 Timely Resolutions." I will be adding them as a New Business agenda item for the February Regular Union Meeting, 2/18/2025.
PFFM SCHOLARSHIPS 02/03/25 - Cambridge Fire Fighters
January 31, 2025
TO: All PFFM Members
FROM: The Office of the President
RE: T. Dustin Alward and John J and Nora Jennings Scholarship Opportunities
PFFM Members,
The John J and Nora Jennings and T. Dustin Alward Scholarship Applications have been posted on the PFFM website. For further information, please use the link below.
OPFFA Supports Doug Ford 02/03/25 - OPFFA
The Ontario Professional Fire Fighters Association (OPFFA) endorses Doug Ford and his leadership of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party in the upcoming provincial election.
Executive Board Vacancy for City Trustee 01/31/25 - Albuquerque Area Fire Fighters
The IAFF Local 244 Executive Board has one (1) vacancy that was created by our most recent election & the installation of officers into their newly elected positions on January 9, 2025. IAFF Local 244 will again be accepting letters of interest for the position of City Trustee for the next 14 calendar days.
Ford Government makes significant investment in PTSI 01/24/25 - OPFFA
It’s incredible to see a Premier so invested in the health and safety of this province’s firefighters. Premier Ford continues to show his support for firefighter health and wellness with a generous investment to The Runnymede First Responders Post Traumatic Stress Injury Rehabilitation Centre.
Local 21 Saint Patrick's Day apparel!! 01/23/25 - IAFF Local 21
It's that time of year again - time to order your amazing St. Paul Fire Department/Local 21 Saint Patrick's Day apparel!! Check out this year's design. Love having ginger back! Order form will be open From January 24th to February 14th. Orders will be shipped the week of March 3rd.
7th District Scholarships for 2025 01/19/25 - IAFF 7th District
The annual IAFF 7th District scholarship period is now open. Please see the attached for the policy and the application plus requirements. This year we are proud to offer one $1000 scholarship, two $750 scholarships and seven $500 scholarships to the lucky recepients.
New Member Welcome 01/13/25 - IAFF Local S-6
Local S-6 would like to welcome Courtland Maumee! Courtland was hired and started at MSP Airport Fire on December 2nd, 2024. Courtland was assigned to and s currently working on B shift. On Saturday 11th, 2025, Firefighter Maumee was sworn into Local S-6 as an official member.
Brother Chris Higgins LODD Fundraiser 01/13/25 - IAFF Local 1664
The Montgomery County Career Fire Fighters Charitable Foundation has been working to support and assist Brother Higgins' family since Saturday night. Immediate needs of the Higgins family are continuing to be addressed. As you know, Brother Higgins leaves behind his wife and two young kids.
Brothers and Sisters help if you can 01/12/25 - IAFF Local 21
Local 21 Brothers and sisters please help if you can. Lisa Zumwalde is one of our Fire Dispatchers in the RCECC for the last 24 years. She has recently been diagnosed with Metastatic Uveal (Ocular) Melanoma for the 2nd time. Unfortunately, this time it has spread to other areas of her body. After all she still showing up for work and do her best.
SAVE THE DATE: CFRA RETIREMENT BALL 01/12/25 - Cambridge Fire Fighters
Please Note: If you plan on staying the night at the Marlowe, you must reserve a room AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, due to a tight deadline.
Union Meeting - Saturday 11th January 2025 01/10/25 - IAFF Local S-6
Local S-6 Membership,
Please note there is a union meeting tomorrow, Saturday 11th January 2025, training room at Fire Station One @ 0745 sharp. B-Shift will be going off duty and C-Shift will be coming on duty. It's YOUR union... be involved!!!
Next month's union meeting... Saturday 8th February 2025. C-Shift will be going off duty and A-Shift will be coming on duty.
Executive Board Vacancies for City Trustee & County 1st Steward 01/08/25 - Albuquerque Area Fire Fighters
Executive Board Vacancies for City Trustee & County 1st Steward (effective January 9, 2025)
The IAFF Local 244 Executive Board has two (2) vacancies that were created by our most recent election & the installation of officers into their newly elected positions on January 9, 2025.
02.13.2025 | Local 21 Installation Party 01/06/25 - IAFF Local 21
*Active Local 21 members will NOT receive an invitation in the mail this year but ALL LOCAL 21 MEMBERS (plus a guest) ARE INVITED *
* Retired L21 members will still receive an invitation in the mail.
* If you've moved or changed your address in the last year and didn't receive an invitation, YOU ARE STILL INVITED.
AFMA 360 Podcast 01/03/25 - United Sun Cities Firefighters Association
Listen to the AFMA 360 podcast through youtube, or apple music.
988 Suicide and Crisis Line 01/03/25 - United Sun Cities Firefighters Association
At the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, they understand that life's challenges can sometimes be difficult. Whether you're facing mental health struggles, emotional distress, alcohol or drug use concerns, or just need someone to talk to, our caring counselors are here for you. You are not alone.
First Responder Support Network 01/03/25 - United Sun Cities Firefighters Association
Check out the national First Responder Support Network
24/7 Fire Support Line 01/03/25 - United Sun Cities Firefighters Association
24/7 Fire Support Line - 602-525-FIRE (3473)
This is a 24 hour per day, 7 days per week member support line that is completely confidential and separate from the department and union. This support line is able to provide counseling over the phone or send out a trained crisis intervention team to help members and their family on or off duty.
2025 UPFFA Scholarship's Now Open 01/03/25 - UPFFA
2025 UPFFA George Crowley Memorial Scholarship Application &
2025 UPFFA Michael C. Osiecki Memorial Scholarship Application
Any member of an Affiliated Local Union may obtain an application for their Son or Daughter by going to www.upffa.
2025 Pay Scale & 2026 Group Calendars 01/02/25 - International Association of Firefighters
The new 2025 Federal Firefighter pay scale, reflecting the 2% raise, is available in the Member Resources section.
Happy New Year 01/02/25 - IAFF Local 1164
Reminding everyone to stay safe tonight and not to drink and drive so we can all have a Happy New Year.
American Flag 01/02/25 - IAFF Local 1164
A few weeks ago while fighting a warehouse fire, once the fire was under control our guys took the time to pick up the American flag off the floor.
The Senate has passed the Social Security Fairness Act, bipartisan legislation to repeal the WEP and GPO penalties. Here’s how it may impact you. 12/31/24 - IAFF Local 135
The United States Senate made history last weekend when it passed the Social Security Fairness Act, bipartisan legislation to eliminate the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO).
Since then, many IAFF members have been asking how the change will impact them. We’ve answered some of your most commonly asked questions about how the repeal could benefit you. Click on the headline to find out more.